Derby City
Louisville, Kentucky
last updated 7/27/99
Dale Benedict
[email protected] |
Runs & Training: |
Races: |
We are training
for the Louisville Marathon and the Kentucky Derby
Mini. Contact Dale
Benedict for detailed information on training schedules. |
August 14,
Lexington's Midsummer Night's Run- 5K 8:30pm. It is Kentucky's
largest foot race.
September 26, 1999
McNeely Lake 15K and 30K 8:00am Begins in front of Paxton-Wilt
6700 Price Lane at McNeely Lake.
October 9, 1999
Alzheimer's Assn of Central Kentucky Benefit Run. 9:00am
Begins at
Midway College in Midway.
Penguin WisdomBelonging has never been easy for me. The same may be true for you. But running and being social has helped me learn to belong. If there's a group of runners near you, join them. If there isn't a group, start one. |