Join a Virtual Race Group for the Race You're Running.

Virtual Race Groups

You don't need to train alone for that race! Get online and join other runners who are training for a specific race. Talk about your training program, race strategy, taper madness, what to pack, how to get there, pre-race jitters, the weather, and your encounter plans for race weekend. Never train alone again!

To SUBSCRIBE [join] an eGroup, just CLICK on the word "JOIN" and when the message appears, just hit SEND. Or select "View" to see messages already posted to the group.

JOIN Motorola Marathon view
JOIN Chicago Marathon view
JOIN Columbus Marathon view
JOIN Country Music Marathon view
JOIN Cowtown Marathon view
JOIN Dallas-White Rock Marathon view
JOIN Houston Marathon view
JOIN London Marathon view
JOIN Marine Corps Marathon view
JOIN Myrtle Beach Marathon & Relay view
JOIN New York City Marathon view
JOIN Portland Marathon view
JOIN Suzuki Rock 'N' Roll Marathon view
JOIN Tampa Bay Marathon view
JOIN Tucson Marathon view
JOIN Vermont City Marathon & Marathon Relay view
JOIN Walt Disney Marathon & Half Marathon view


Start a Virtual Training eGroup
Train with runners from all over the world for YOUR goal race.
Never train alone again!!

I want to start a virtual training group

Penguin Wisdom
When I am running, I forget my failures as a child or parent or friend or lover.



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FitSense FS-1 Speedometer

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Last Updated: December 19, 2000 1:19