News Archive


May 2001

Penguin Brigade Anniversary This Month
May 23 is the Fifth Anniversary of the creation of the Penguin Brigade, the first Internet virtual training group created by John. He sent the very first PB message to a small group of  folks who were interested in training together for the 1996 Marine Corps Marathon.  Since then the group has grown to over a thousand people and has spawned several other penguin support groups.  Let's all congratulate ourselves for enriching each other's lives immeasurably with our wit, wisdom and support of one another�s running.

If you�re one of the original group of eight�Chuck Hagner, John Faith, Jodi Hope Nashman, Ken Myers, Laura Garza, Marlene Cimons, M. Mesler, John Drozd, Bob McArthur, Pamela Solmon, Tom Lechner, Vida Morkunas, Will Brown�who have lost touch with us, send us an email.  We�d love to know where your running has taken you!

Penguin World Conference III slated for Eugene June 30-July 3
We've got all kinds of fun events lined up--from the showcase Penguin track meet at Hayward Field to seminars featuring some of our own intrepid Brigade members, terrific tours of local vineyards, a chocolatier, the Pine Mountain Observatory, and a penguin talent show! And if that's not enough, you can stay for the Butte to Butte10K race in Eugene on July 4!

The third annual Penguin World Conference will be a celebration of the Penguins, by the Penguins, and for the Penguins.  Join John "the Penguin" Bingham and Karen in Eugene, Oregon. Meet original members of The Penguin Brigade, as well as newer Penguins who are just getting "the courage to start." Meet Team Penguin members from all over the world and get to know the people you invite into your home and office every day.

Penguin Flight School: or...
WEEKEND RUNNING RETREATS for adult onset athletes

Bring your running shoes and leave the rest to us!  It's the perfect way to jump start your running or walking program, get inspired, and stay motivated. You'll learn how to set goals and achieve them, find your heart rate training zones, and set up a training schedule. Plus we'll talk about diet and nutrition, equipment and gear. Group runs and instruction happen in a fun, low-stress environment.  For runners of all levels, whether you've been active a year or a lifetime. Where and when:

June 9-11   Sacramento, CA
July 28-30   Denver, CO
August 18-20   Chicago, IL
September 8-10   Washington, DC
October 13-15   San Antonio, TX

For more information and a registration form, click here

2001 Penguin Odyssey Tour Begins Soon!

Where's the Penguin?
On tour, of course!  For the third year, John will tour across country (this time by car, not motorcycle) stopping to meet, talk, run, and race with lone runners, in clubs and training programs, and at running stores and races.  It all starts when he drives cross country for  the Rock N Roll Marathon in San Diego on June 1.  And it'll wind up on the opposite coast in Virginia Beach for the Rock N Roll Half Marathon on September 2.   The May-June schedule:

May 2001




Indianapolis Mini Marathon � Expo speaker




Lilac Bloomsday Run--Expo Speaker




1st Place Sports & Galloway Training Program


2001 Penguin Odyssey Tour Begins!

29 Tucson AZ All About Running & Walking - store opening

June 2001


San Diego


Suzuki Rock N Roll Marathon - TNT Pasta Dinner speaker, Clinic speaker, Pace Team leader


Belmont Shore


Runners High - group run & store appearance




Penguin Flight School




Mayor's Midnight Sun Marathon - TNT Pasta Dinner speaker




Penguin World Conference

Check the front page of the website for daily reports from John as he reports on his 2001 Penguin Odyssey!  And email [email protected] to find out if "the Penguin" will be coming through your part of the country.

That's all for now, folks.  Be careful out there!
Karen B


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Penguin Wisdom
I will waddle on. Slow but sure I am finding out who I am, and who I am not. And that is reason enough to keep me going.


Penguin Premiere
Events is hosted by the good folks at
Last Updated: Thursday, 23-May-2002 09:46:20 EDT