News Archive


January 15, 2001

A truckload of penguins descended on Walt Disney World in Orlando for the marathon and half marathon on January 7.  Many of them posted reports, among them Penguin Brigade member Kathy Flippo.  Read her report and see Disney photos on the front page of the website at

The adventure has started for Penguin Brigade members who are going to Antarctica for the Last Marathon.  Departure date: January 28.  Race date: February 5.  Coming soon at  news about our training, the trip and the race.  Check for it on the front page in a few days.  Who�s going from the Brigade?  Kitty Cole, Mary DeMattia, Cathy Myers, Carol Schobert, John and Karen Bingham. And about 140 other people, too, which is all the boat holds.

Join us as we talk about logistics, what to take, our state of mind, and generally obsess about the upcoming adventure.  There�s an email discussion group for participants, their families, and supporters�open to anyone who cares to add to the discussion�at  You�ll find a lot of interesting photos and information there from a couple of people who are living and working in Antarctica.

For other penguins, the annual January trek to Frostbite Falls is well underway.  Our monthly challenge commander,  Patrick the Running Rev, reports that �We've almost hit the half-way point on our run to Frostbite Falls.  A call from the Moose and Squirrel this weekend warned me that Boris and Natasha are busy all over the globe trying to interfere with penguins making the trek.�

The Third Penguin Marathon Relay Championship will be held at the Myrtle Beach Marathon & Marathon Relay on February 17 , 2001.  The Penguin Cup is awarded to the team that comes CLOSEST to running their predicted time in the marathon relay.  Competition is tough!  And the winners obtain possession of the coveted Cup until next year�s Championship. Anyone interested in managing and judging the Cup competition at this year�s race should contact [email protected].

I spent 30 years around books--working as a professional librarian-- and the last eight years running.  Finally, it occurred to me that the two could be combined in a satisfying way via the website. You�ll find a few of my favorite running books--and why--in a new section there, Karen�s Book Corner, under Penguin Shops.


  • January 21  San Diego Marathon, Carlsbad CA
  • February 5  The Last Marathon, Antarctica
  • February 18  Motorola Marathon, Austin TX
  • February 25  Cowtown Marathon, Ft. Worth TX

That's all for now, folks.  Be careful out there!
Karen B


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Last Updated: Thursday, 23-May-2002 09:46:19 EDT