My name is Holly. I'm 32 years old, married, and a member
of the United States Army Chorale in Washington, DC.
A year or so ago I discovered that walking, running, and bicycling
were great ways to help me feel good and to keep control of my weight.
Last November I ran a half marathon with my father-in-law, John
"the Penguin" Bingham, in Florence, Italy. We had a wonderful
time! It now makes the two miles I have to run in the Army feel
like a breeze!
Even with all the activity, though, I still wasn't feeling as good
as I wanted to until I discovered Shaklee. I started on Shaklee
supplements because I was interested in starting a family and wanted
to get a good start with excellent prenatal nutrition. After beginning
to use the products I had more energy and felt better in general.
I started receiving email testimonials concerning "I Love Dieting"
(Shaklee's special Diet.) People all shapes and sizes were thrilled
with the results.
Having recently gotten married, I had gained about fifteen pounds
and thought I might as well give this diet a try. Well, it
worked really well. I lost all fifteen pounds and have kept
them off! Suddenly people were asking me what I was doing. I have
turned other people on to the products and am thrilled when I receive
the happy phone calls from folks who have tried everything and are
finally finding success with Shaklee and "I Love Dieting."
I'd be happy to try and help you. All the products are backed
with a money back guarantee. What have you got to lose? I'd
like to tell you more about it. Please click on: http://www.shaklee.net/healthyhints
to find out how YOU can start feeling better today.